Peeling the orange's Blog

smart girl needs to write good stuff!

Archive for the ‘Under My Skin’ Category


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Touching my dreams ahead
Goes the wind impatient like me
Suddenly…a warm smile surrenders, closer
Bringing company to my rest

Unconditional patience is wanted
For freedom to be full of graces
A mighty man’s heart approaches
And the signature is made into the heavens

Dwelling on the sweet breeze goes my heart
Searching to land safe go my hopes
Writing joy on my face goes a smile
Since your reflected peace reached my soul

Writing history with plenty of laughs
Walking paths as enlightening cities
Rising up dreams and advancing life
Goes both hearts as becoming one

A sweet parade at the bench full of roses
Dancing our hopes painted in the skin
Years went by bringing all blessings
And glad we are now having found sweet fruits

Tales & Treasures on the Battlefield

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Ok. New here! I use to write in spanish, I’m not good at english, but I kind of think…It’s a complicated world already, who would not try it anyway. So here we are with not perfect speech or plan, just to put out some views, fun, or some intent on exhausting my own. Sorry for the spell, my brain cells can do no more jet, I’m working on it.

caption by Pink Sherbet.